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"RM5: Exception when integrating into other Java Application"

bitibiti Member Posts: 7 Contributor II
edited May 2019 in Help
Hi there,

I'm stuck in there for a while, trying to get RM run in another Application.

For this I constructed a class that initializes RM.
For testing I tried to start it like
When I launch the Application and Rapidminer shall be initialized, RM output is:

2010-09-16 08:40:20 CONFIG: Locale not specified explicitly. Set default locale to US. (RapidMiner.init())
2010-09-16 08:40:20 CONFIG: Initializing I18N (RapidMiner.splashMessage())
2010-09-16 08:40:20 CONFIG: Ensuring RapidMiner Home is set (RapidMiner.splashMessage())
2010-09-16 08:40:20 INFO: Property rapidminer.home is not set. Guessing. (Launcher.ensureRapidMinerHomeSet())
2010-09-16 08:40:20 INFO: Trying base directory of classes (build) 'C:\Users\biti\workspace\project_home'...gotcha! (Launcher.ensureRapidMinerHomeSet())
2010-09-16 08:40:20 CONFIG: Reading Configuration Files (RapidMiner.splashMessage())
2010-09-16 08:40:20 CONFIG: Reading configuration resource com/rapidminer/resources/rapidminerrc. (ParameterService.loadAllRCFiles())
2010-09-16 08:40:20 CONFIG: Neither system property 'rapidminer.config.dir' nor environment variable 'RAPIDMINER_CONFIG_DIR' not set. Ignored. (ParameterService.getGlobalConfigDir())
But at this point an exception is thrown:

ERROR 16-09 08:40:20,923 - RapidMiner Model Applier - java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "${rapidminer"
The first line is a debugging part of my Application.

(I can also set the rapidminer.home property by "System.setProperty("rapidminer.home", "C:\\Programme\\Rapid_I\\");" but this takes no visible effect on my problem.)

Are there any other propertys that I need to set?
The Rapidminer Source directiory is set in the classpath of my application.
(It's 5.0.8)
Any ideas here?




  • bitibiti Member Posts: 7 Contributor II

    after reloading and rebuilding the source and replacing some files, everything works.  :-\

    Close please ;)
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