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"Question about Source Location of Text Processing Extension"
I just checked out Rapidminer from the svn repository location [tt]https://rapidminer.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rapidminer/Vega[/tt]. I am interested in the text processing extension but I found an empty directory [tt]src/com/rapidminer/operator/text[/tt] where I expected the sources for the text processing operators. Can anybody give me a hint where to find these source files?
Man Thanks in advance!
I just checked out Rapidminer from the svn repository location [tt]https://rapidminer.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rapidminer/Vega[/tt]. I am interested in the text processing extension but I found an empty directory [tt]src/com/rapidminer/operator/text[/tt] where I expected the sources for the text processing operators. Can anybody give me a hint where to find these source files?
Man Thanks in advance!
you can find the text processing code in the Text Processing Plugin https://rapidminer.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rapidminer/Plugins/TextProcessing/Vega/
The current stable branch is Vega. The Unuk branch is the current developer branch.
Ciao Sebastian