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first time rapidminer user/downloading plugins (e.g. text extension) [SOLVED]

rkaplan80rkaplan80 Member Posts: 2 Contributor I
edited November 2018 in Help
I have a 64-bit Windows 7 computer. I can easily download the community edition of Rapdiminer. I can not download any of the plugins.
via the help window. I am getting an http status 404/resources not available. Any suggestions about what I need to do (e.g. adjust tools/preferences)
to be able to download the plugins.

note: the http 404 message mentions Sun Glassfish Enterprise Server version 2.1


  • MariusHelfMariusHelf RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 1,869 Unicorn
    Do you still have this problem?
    If you need to use a proxy, you can configure it in the preferences.

  • rkaplan80rkaplan80 Member Posts: 2 Contributor I

    I may be ok now. I downloaded the appropriate plugin install file and executed it. I do not have a Java background or experience working with proxies.
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