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[SOLVED] Problem to execute the ant target "install" of the Extension
Member Posts: 10 Contributor II
in Help
I followed the steps shown in page 16 of the White Paper "How to Extend RapidMiner 5.0" to deploy the Extension to RapidMiner.
Unfortunately Eclipse shows errors when executing the ant target "install" :
Thank you.
I followed the steps shown in page 16 of the White Paper "How to Extend RapidMiner 5.0" to deploy the Extension to RapidMiner.
Unfortunately Eclipse shows errors when executing the ant target "install" :
Buildfile: C:\Users\me\workspace\RapidMiner_Extension_Tutorial\build.xmlHelp please.
[echo] Cleaning...
[delete] Deleting directory C:\Users\me\workspace\RapidMiner_Extension_Tutorial\build
[delete] Deleting directory C:\Users\me\workspace\RapidMiner_Extension_Tutorial\javadoc
[mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\me\workspace\RapidMiner_Extension_Tutorial\build
[mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\me\workspace\RapidMiner_Extension_Tutorial\javadoc
C:\Users\me\workspace\RapidMiner_Vega\build_extension.xml:103: Directory does not exist: C:\Users\me\workspace\RapidMiner_Vega\release
Thank you.
did you checkout RapidMiner to "C:\Users\me\workspace\RapidMiner_Vega\"?
Then try to run the buildJar target of RapidMiner's build.xml first before running your extension's build.xml.