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"Result from Agglomerative Clustering to file"

MacGregorMacGregor Member Posts: 5 Contributor II
edited June 2019 in Help
Hi your all, is there a posibility to save the output "cluster model" from Agglomerative Clustering (specifically pairs and triple words, or otherwise all the result) to a file?...

Please, apreciate any help...




  • MariusHelfMariusHelf RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 1,869 Unicorn

    if you just want to store the model for later use, you can either store it in the repository via the Store operator, or to a file via Write Model.

  • MacGregorMacGregor Member Posts: 5 Contributor II
    Hi Marius, thanks, but
    if i use the Write Model, i have the error: Expected Model but received HierarchicalClusterModel.
    if i use the Store, i have the error: expects: IOObject

    The Agglomerative Cluster produces a very beauty tree where if i clik in one node, i have the more similars words. So instead of going to see in the tree and by hand, write all the words, I would like to be saved in a file.

    Question 2 : The resulting tree of agglomerative clustering is a ultrametric tree?

    Thanks again my friend..

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