
MPCKmeans Input problems

claudioclaudio Member Posts: 1 Contributor I
edited November 2018 in Help
Hello to everybody,
I have to admit I'm a newbie to this very interesting software.
I'm struggling trying to undertand how I can set the extra input file needed by the MPCKmeans algorithm that is a pairwaise contrained clustering.
The first input is a classica data set but the second input file will have to include the contraints i think in this format:
1 122 -1
3 111 -1
12 71 -1
64 113 -1
5 18 1
4 11 1
53 67 1
113 135 1

where the label -1 is a can not link and 1 is a must link contraints.
I would be very glad if you could help me on this easy but blocking task
Thank you
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