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[SOLVED] Problems Storing Model

yakitoyakito Member Posts: 22 Contributor II
edited November 2018 in Help

I have a basic process wich outputs a model from a k-nn validation. When I run the process locally it works fine, but when I try to run it on the RA server, I get the following error according to the log
17:34:59,333 WARNING [de.rapidanalytics.web.servlet.AccessEntry] Cannot store uploade file: de.rapidanalytics.entity.RepositoryException: 
Cannot save data at '/MY_FOLDER/MY_PROCESS_NAME/model': javax.transaction.RollbackException: ARJUNA-16053 Could not commit transaction.:
de.rapidanalytics.entity.RepositoryException: Cannot save data at '/MY_FOLDER/MY_PROCESS_NAME/model': javax.transaction.RollbackException: ARJUNA-
16053 Could not commit transaction.
The strange part is that on the same process I am storing a wordlist before the model and that one seems to be working fine.

On the RA settings I had set the upload dir to a dir I created called 'upload' on the same folder the 'plugins' dir is located. I notice that dir is always empty. :(

Any tip on the right direction will be much appreciated!


Update: It looks like this issue had to do with the time the process was using the DB. I found in the log files that the process was becoming a zombie process. I made some changes to my DB connection and it looks to be fine now


  • fischerfischer Member Posts: 439 Maven

    could it be there are previous errors? What database are you using? Could it be your model is too large for your database? How large is it when you store on disk? Most database systems can reconfigure the maximum object size.

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