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"Can't access Rapidminer on Mac OS X 10.5"

marianaaspmarianaasp Member Posts: 1 Learner III
edited June 2019 in Help

I've downloaded the Rapidminer program but I can't have access, I have the Java 6.0 version and I've followed the directions on the INSTALL.txt: "You can start RapidMiner using the executable jar file lib/rapidminer.jar. On some operating systems, double clicking  on lib/rapidminer.jar starts RapidMiner.If that does not work, you can try typing something like  java -jar lib/rapidminer.jar  If that does not work, you can use the start scripts in the scripts directory."

Also I tried from the mac Terminal and appears these message:

Unable to access jarfile lib/rapidminer.jar
:~ mariana$ java -jar lib/rapidminer.jar
Unable to access jarfile lib/rapidminer.jar
:~ mariana$

And in the console:

groovy-all-1.7.7.jar: No such file or directory
Jun 13 12:37:55 fau-stud-053-196 [0x0-0x2c02c].com.apple.JarLauncher[272]: at com.rapidminer.RapidMiner.<clinit>(RapidMiner.java:363)
Jun 13 12:37:55 fau-stud-053-196 [0x0-0x2c02c].com.apple.JarLauncher[272]: at com.rapidminer.tools.Tools.<clinit>(Tools.java:134)
Jun 13 12:41:44 fau-stud-053-196 [0x0-0x2f02f].com.apple.JarLauncher[307]: at com.rapidminer.RapidMiner.<clinit>(RapidMiner.java:363)
Jun 13 12:41:44 fau-stud-053-196 [0x0-0x2f02f].com.apple.JarLauncher[307]: at com.rapidminer.tools.Tools.<clinit>(Tools.java:134)

Could someone help me?

Best Regards,


  • pmiddletpmiddlet Member Posts: 9 Contributor II
    Hi Mariana,

    Likely you need to set all of your environment variables in .bash_profile. Like  RAPIDMINER_HOME, JAVA_HOME, etc as recommended in some of the installation help files (also in the forum). Java needs to find all of the rapidminer resource files (which, in turn is what rapidminer uses). So you need both of these set. You can't just access rapidminer from any directory in an iterm or other terminal unless it knows where to find these things.

    My copy 5.2.006 invokes just fine from clicking on rapidminer.jar in Finder, however, I can't get the R Extension to work that way. Some users have reported only being able to use it from the command line, but RM crashes on me at the command line.

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