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[SOLVED] Unbalanced Dataset ...need help!
Hey I got an unbalanced dataset i mean i got two groups but one of them is so larger than other one
i want the smaller group to be seen more times by models ....is it possible?
lemme extend my problem
for example i got two groups ..one got 1000 records another got 100 records now i want the second group to be seen 10x by models to make analysis balanced
how should i do it?
Danke schon
i want the smaller group to be seen more times by models ....is it possible?
lemme extend my problem
for example i got two groups ..one got 1000 records another got 100 records now i want the second group to be seen 10x by models to make analysis balanced
how should i do it?
Danke schon
there is a sticky thread in another subforum, please have a look at it: http://rapid-i.com/rapidforum/index.php/topic,2190.0.html
If you have any further questions, please ask. Btw, if you are using a learner which is capable of handling weights, you can simply create a weights attribute (use Generate Attribute with sth. like "if(label="A",10,1)" to produce a new attribute which is 10 for class "A" and "1" for all other cases, call the new attribute "weight", and the use Set Role to define the new attribute as weight.
Best, Marius