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[SOLVED] Intra-report linking

tennenrishintennenrishin Member Posts: 177 Contributor II
edited June 2019 in Help
EDIT: I just realized that this can be solved by preceding each Add Section operator with an Add Text operator that adds the required anchor. But I don't know how to delete the thread.

It would be nice if link targets (anchors) in html reports (generated by the reporting extension) had names derived (in a predictable way) from the target headings rather than "link1", "link2" etc. This way, it would be possible for the user to insert intra-report (and even inter-report) links that do not become broken when new sections are inserted.

For example, if the target heading is "My Section", then the anchor could be
<a href="#my_section">
rather than
<a href="#link23">
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