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first of all please do not double post. We won't answer faster because of multiple threads..
Back to your problem.. you can check if the option 'rapidminer.gui.auto switch to result view' is set to 'true'. The option can be found at Preferences>Gui
A second thing you can do is switch to the result perspective yourself by clicking on the result view button.
As I said every thing was fine. I've selected to switch to the results perspective automatically after executing a process (I checked the option in prefernces>gui and it is set to true). I'm also used to click myself to switch between design and results perspectives las week...
When I excute a process, every thing seems fine
The problem that I now have (for some reason) is that the results perspective does not appear at all, it seems like it cant be refreshed.
When i click on results persp. while I'm on design perspective I still have the design perspective showing and if I minimize/maximise rapid miner i get an empty perspective
PS: I have rapid miner 32 bits installed on my windows 7 64 bits.
it seems as if you have closed the Result Overview tab. This can be fixed by View>Restore Default Perspective.