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RapidMiner along with RapidAnalytics
I have defined database connection to Mysql on RapidAnalytics Server.
I have defined a SQL query file on the remore repository on the server.
How do I access that file in the process on RapidMiner.
Right now I get the error that says
com.rapidminer.operator.UserError: Could not read file '/demo/Test/test.sql': /demo/Test/test.sql (No such file or directory)
What is the right path to the remote repository on server to access from rapidMiner.
RapidMiner is installed on the same machine as RapidAnalytics.
Also, for 'Generate Report' and 'Report' operatiors, how do I specify the output files to be written to remote repository ?
I have defined a SQL query file on the remore repository on the server.
How do I access that file in the process on RapidMiner.
Right now I get the error that says
com.rapidminer.operator.UserError: Could not read file '/demo/Test/test.sql': /demo/Test/test.sql (No such file or directory)
What is the right path to the remote repository on server to access from rapidMiner.
RapidMiner is installed on the same machine as RapidAnalytics.
Also, for 'Generate Report' and 'Report' operatiors, how do I specify the output files to be written to remote repository ?
please distinguish between the Repository inside RapidMiner and RapidAnalytics, and its physical storage location - these are two different things, and in general RapidMiner is not designed to access the physical location directly, but rather via the Repository mechanism.
Now I could give you answers to your questions, but to give really good answers I need to know what you are trying to do. Maybe there are better approaches than fiddling with transferring SQL files from one location to another. So please describe in detail your problem and your task, and then we'll find a solution. Please read also the post linked in my signature.
Required parameters are 'Connection' which I selected as the MySql database connection defined on RA server.
'define query' I select as 'query file'
I have a sql file stored on 'remote repository; location /demo/Test/test.sql'. I want to use that for
'query file' parameter. This is remote repository location on RA server that is aliased as 'RapidAnalytics' when I created the remote repository.
I want to run this process remotely .
Let me know if you need any further info.
If RapidMiner and RapidAnalytics are running on the same machine, you *could* make Read Database read a file which is readable by both the RapidAnalytics server and by RapidMiner. In this case please check the file permissions etc., such that both programs can access the file.
Anyway, it is easier, and certainly more portable, do write the SQL statement directly into the Read Database operator instead of using the text file. That way you can also easily export your process to run on another machine without adapting any filesystem paths etc.
Hope this helps, if you have any further questions or problems just let me know.
Valid repository location would be //RapidAnalytics/demo/Test/test.sql.
Yes, both RapidMiner and RapidAnaytics are on the same server. I was wondering if I store these files on RA server then any RapidMiner can connect and run the process.
But will take your advice and store it on the server and take it from there. Also, I could write sql statement rather than using SQL file.
Then I have question towards using extensions like 'Generate Report' as well as 'Report'. I need to store the output on a file say pdf or html .
Where do I store them ? If it is local file system, how do I view them on the web interface of RA server ?
I want to define a process that can do the following.
Read Database' by running SQL statement/query.
Send the output of this operator to 'Generate Report' operator/extension and create report in output file.
Send the output of this second operator to 'Report'. I want to use 'Configure Report' parameter to draw some plots.
I want this process to be scheduled on RA server to run daily or weekly based on the need. Basically "dailyReport.pdf" needs to be generated every day