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[SOLVED] Write results in different files automatically?
Hi everyone,
i'm doing some clustering and want to bring up some cluster-models (k-medeoids) using different model-parameters (number of clusters, max runs, max optimization steps, ...). Doing so i used the "optimize"-Operator to generate several cluster-models using different parameters. I need the clustered data for further analytics (doesn't matter if the used parameter combinations are perfect or not) so i use the "write excel"-operator to extract the generated data into an excel sheet. But doing so i only get the clustered data of the first run (eg. when k was 2) into the final excel file. In the "optimize"-operator i tell the process it should change (for example) the number of clusters from k= 2 to 20.
My Question:
Is is it possible to change the name of the Output-File automatically during the process is running?
I mean it this way:
choose k=2 --> do the clustering --> save the results to file named "results_k_2.xls"
choose k=3 --> do the clustering --> save the results to file named "results_k_3.xls"
choose k= 20 --> do the clustering --> save the results to file named "results_k_20.xls"
Thanks for help.
i'm doing some clustering and want to bring up some cluster-models (k-medeoids) using different model-parameters (number of clusters, max runs, max optimization steps, ...). Doing so i used the "optimize"-Operator to generate several cluster-models using different parameters. I need the clustered data for further analytics (doesn't matter if the used parameter combinations are perfect or not) so i use the "write excel"-operator to extract the generated data into an excel sheet. But doing so i only get the clustered data of the first run (eg. when k was 2) into the final excel file. In the "optimize"-operator i tell the process it should change (for example) the number of clusters from k= 2 to 20.
My Question:
Is is it possible to change the name of the Output-File automatically during the process is running?
I mean it this way:
choose k=2 --> do the clustering --> save the results to file named "results_k_2.xls"
choose k=3 --> do the clustering --> save the results to file named "results_k_3.xls"
choose k= 20 --> do the clustering --> save the results to file named "results_k_20.xls"
Thanks for help.
You can use macros to do this. If you have a macro containing k then you could create another from it containing the filename you want and use that as the parameter to the write excel operator.
first of all thanks for your fast reply.
Your idea sounds logical to me but - to be honest - i don't have any glue how to work with macros in rapidminer. Neither I know how and where to define them nor how to use them in the process. Maybe you can give a recommendation to a website where working with marcos in rapidminer is (detailed) explained? Your blog from september 15th gives a short look on what the macro can be used for but i can't implement this to my process.
You could modify this example
- In the context tab of your process
- With the macro operators in Utility/Macros (see the help tab for usage)
To use a macro you write %{name_of_the_macro}, e.g. results_k_%{k}.xls. Don't forget to define a macro k with the macro operator before you use it.i implemented - using the "Set macro"-Operator - a macro called "k". How can i give this Parameter the value of the actual count of clusters of "Cluster"-Operator (the count of clusters is set by the "optimize Parameter"-Operator and changes from 2 to 20)? I tried "operator.Clustering.parameter.k" but this didn't work properly. Instead of different files of the kind "results_k_2.xls", "results_k_3.xls", ... i got only one file named "results_k_operator.Clustering.parameter.k.xls". Maybe it's impossible to direct access to the value of a models parameters?
I crawled around the forum an found a thread that helped me to solve my problem (the hint of Sebastian Land is it):,1014.0.html
So here is my adaption:
I put a "Clone Parameters"-operator after the cluster-operator. The clone-operator is connected to the "set macro"-operator. In the "Clone Parameters"-operator i filled in the following:
source: Clustering.k
target: Set Macro.value
So the changing value of k is copied to the value for the macro and the macro is later used to generate the different filenames (results_k_2.xls, results_k_3.xls, and so on).
The solution is kinda simple but I assure, that i would have never solve this problem by myself (or even expect that the "clone parameters"-operator would do it). Hope this will help other users with the same problem.
Regards and thanks to all who tried to help me,