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"How to do Sentiment analysis on text data using rapid miner"
Hi All,
I am trying to do sentiment analysis on text messages (text mining) using rapid miner.
Example: If message is "Apple rocks" we should be able to rate this statement as positive. Similarly if message is "Apple is not fast" this can be rated as negative.
Please let me know if you have some solution or samples available.
Or any other alternative can be used.
Sagar Bhatia | sbhatia@infocepts.com |
InfoCepts | www.infocepts.com |
Off: +91 712 224 5867, +1 301 560 2591 Ext 8471
Mob: +91 99750 48 284
please find links to video tutorials about the basics of RapidMiner and also about text mining in the post linked in my signature.
you may also want to have a look at the new book "Data Mining for the Masses" by Matthew North. He explains data mining with RapidMiner from the very beginning: http://www.amazon.de/Data-Mining-Masses-Matthew-North/dp/0615684378
Otherwise, you should tell us where exactly you have problems and where you don't understand the tutorials, so we can help you.
Best, Marius
thank you
you information is a bit sparse - what is your input data, what do you have so far, where exactly do you get stuck? Which documentation/tutorial materials did you use? Please also post the process that you created and describe what you expect it to do, and where the problems occur.
Concerning the dictionary, can you please describe more detailed, what you are thinking about?
Best regards,
Hi Sagar,
At AYLIEN we've built a RapidMiner Extension to make NLP and Text Analysis tasks like Sentiment Analysis a bit easier.
You can download the extension in the RM marketplace. https://marketplace.rapidminer.com/UpdateServer/faces/product_details.xhtml?productId=rmx_com.aylien.textapi.rapidminer
We've also created some tutorial blogs which should help you out.
Getting Started with Text Analysis by AYLIEN
Sentiment Analysis and Categorization of tweets