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i want to do prevision of product sales in some folowing dates,so i have an excel file witch contains product,quantity,date and some other information,please i tried a lot to use tree decision of rapideminer but it seems that is dificult to use,can you help me how can i have my previsions?thank you i have to finish mu project soon
i want to do prevision of product sales in some folowing dates,so i have an excel file witch contains product,quantity,date and some other information,please i tried a lot to use tree decision of rapideminer but it seems that is dificult to use,can you help me how can i have my previsions?thank you i have to finish mu project soon
did you already have a look at our tutorial videos at http://rapid-i.com/content/view/189/212/lang,en/ ?
Those will probably help you to get started with RapidMiner.
Best regards,