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[SOLVED] SVM and polynomial attributes from word vector
Hi guys,
sorry for coming up with a question as my first post, but I am currently working on my bachelor's thesis and I experience major trouble applying the SVM learner on my dataset. I googled a lot and found 2 related posts already submitted to this forum:
So I obviously did my job but still can't help myself on this one. I'll make it quick:
I basically pull out two values from my DB:
What I understand is that the text gets converted into a word vecor (in my case TF-IDF) and the word vector becomes the items attribute - of course a word vector is polynomial so SVM can't handle it. Correct me if I am wrong on any of this. But heres the point: How can I make SVM handle the word vector correctly? If I convert it with the nominal2numerical (which is what most ppl advise, but I actually doubt that step to be useful in my case), SVM brings crappy results (< default, so basically impossible).
Has anyone ever had that before? Any help would be gratefully appreciated! Thanks in advance
sorry for coming up with a question as my first post, but I am currently working on my bachelor's thesis and I experience major trouble applying the SVM learner on my dataset. I googled a lot and found 2 related posts already submitted to this forum:
So I obviously did my job but still can't help myself on this one. I'll make it quick:
I basically pull out two values from my DB:
- 'text' - which is just a field containing some text
- 'pol' - which is a polarity label with the possible values 'pro' and 'con'
What I understand is that the text gets converted into a word vecor (in my case TF-IDF) and the word vector becomes the items attribute - of course a word vector is polynomial so SVM can't handle it. Correct me if I am wrong on any of this. But heres the point: How can I make SVM handle the word vector correctly? If I convert it with the nominal2numerical (which is what most ppl advise, but I actually doubt that step to be useful in my case), SVM brings crappy results (< default, so basically impossible).
Has anyone ever had that before? Any help would be gratefully appreciated! Thanks in advance
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<parameter key="query" value="SELECT `text`, `pol`&#10;FROM `myTable`"/>
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<parameter key="kernel_type" value="linear"/>
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as you'll note if you set a breakpoint after the Process Documents, the TF-IDF values generated by Process Documents are numerical - you get one numerical attribute for each token in your input data. So you can apply the SVM directly without further preprocessing. Btw, an SVM with a linear kernel as you have chosen is usually a good means for text classification.
Best regards,
Thanks again for the help, I appreciate your efforts!!
The "Extract content"-Operator designed to strip input data from html-tags adds several attributes he tries to extract from so-called "meta-tags" (e.g. <meta name="author" content="John" />, found in almost all documents online), which are - of course - nominal.
And that's the point where my SVM got confused. Setting the breakpoint and looking at what attributes are added was the right hint in this case. Marius, I have to take a bow: Instructions on how to help oneself are almost always the best way to go! Thanks again for everything and have a nice day