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"SVM Models - Target Variable with more than two levels"
I have a data mining problem in which there are four levels in the target variable. I have used a SVM model in Statistica that works very well for my data - and supports the four level target variable. I am just starting out with Rapid Miner, and it looks like all the SVM models in Rapid Miner only support binary target variables. Is that the case? I think the libSVM implementation supports more than two levels (that is what Statistica uses) - but the description of this SVM implementation in Rapid Miner still seems to say that it only supports binary target variables. If this capability is not available now, is it planned for the future?
It works fine with labels that have multiple nominal values.
Here's an example using the Iris data set
Apr 16, 2013 8:11:21 PM SEVERE: Process failed: The operator SVM does not have sufficient capabilities for the given data set: polynominal attributes not supported
I think I am getting way ahead of myself here - I am new to Rapid-I and I need to start with some simpler examples. I just got the "Data Mining for the Masses" (Matthew North) book, and will work through the examples in that book to get started.
Run the process.
Go to the meta data view.
What are the roles and types of each of the attributes?
One should have the label role and should be type nominal.
All the remaining regular attributes must be numeric, integer or real.
If this checks out, LibSVM will work
As for the SAS import issue, how big is the raw data file?