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daradara Member Posts: 29 Contributor II
edited November 2018 in Help
I would like to read the email from a gmail account, so I setup the READ DOCUMENT process as follows:

host=gmail.com   (I tried pop.gmail.com and still did not work, tried smtp.gmail.com and did not work)
user=myname@gmail.com   (tried only myname and did not work)


  • daradara Member Posts: 29 Contributor II
    Well it seems I am talking to myself:

    For POP3


    But that is not enough you need to click on the expert options and do
    Define store = explicit
    Connection Properties=  click on the edit list

    property key                    property value
    mail.pop3. port                995
    mail.pop3.ssl.enable      true
    mail.pop3.timeout          5000
    mail.pop3.connectiontimeout  5000

  • MariusHelfMariusHelf RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 1,869 Unicorn
    Thanks for posting you solution!

    Best regards,
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