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Difference in classification accuracy(performance vector) for same input -
Could you please clarify,
Why Im getting different accuracies (performance vector result) for the same input supplied to two similar models.
see my next post with similar kind of problem
Why Im getting different accuracies (performance vector result) for the same input supplied to two similar models.
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<portSpacing port="sink_result 5" spacing="0"/>
see my next post with similar kind of problem
Further why the accuracy(performance vector) for the validation operator 1 ( with Decision tree) [ jointly worked with validation operator 2( with KNN)] is not same with validation operator1 (with Decision tree)
Process 1 -
i/p A - validation operator (DT) - o/p (performance vector) = X,
i/p A - validation operator (kNN) - o/p (performance vector) = y
Process 2-
i/p A - validation operator (DT) - o/p (performance vector) = Z (This should be X)
where X, Y, and Z are some numeric values.
Code is given for both the process
Process1 process 2: Why the result changes from process to process with same input and model
My work halted with ambiguity in results
Clarify me
Thanking you in anticipation
Furthermore I strongly suggest to update from RapidMiner 5.2.8, which is years old, to the current version 5.3.13.
If you have any further questions, please come back!
Best regards,
weka book:
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