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Fails to start in Windows 8, Windows 7
RapidMiner 5.3.013 32 bit
Latest Java
I have read the similar thread for Windows XP at
My Windows 7, 4Gb RAM, 32 bit laptop will only start RapidMiner from RapidMinerGUI.bat.
The normal Windows icon does nothing.
My Windows 8 desktop machine is 64 bit, 8Gb RAM, but Java is installed as 32 bit as recommended by Java for reading browsers.
This does not start RapidMiner (32 bit version) from the Windows icon nor RapidMinerGUI.bat.
Nothing happens.
Latest Java
I have read the similar thread for Windows XP at
My Windows 7, 4Gb RAM, 32 bit laptop will only start RapidMiner from RapidMinerGUI.bat.
The normal Windows icon does nothing.
My Windows 8 desktop machine is 64 bit, 8Gb RAM, but Java is installed as 32 bit as recommended by Java for reading browsers.
This does not start RapidMiner (32 bit version) from the Windows icon nor RapidMinerGUI.bat.
Nothing happens.
can you please try to start the RapidMinerGUI.bat from the commandline on both systems and post the respective output here?
I have solved the W8 problem by installing 64bit RapidMiner which runs on 32 bit Java.
I then had to install 64 bit Java as well as 32 bit to get the R extension to run,
Win 7 problem remains.
I have attached the windows 7 command line output when I run RapidMinerGUI.bat
"C:\Progran Files\Rapid—I\BapidMiner5\scripts>rapidninergui.bat
RAPIDMINERHOME is not set. Trying the directory ‘c:\Program Files\Rapid—I\RapidMiner5\scripts\. .‘...
Using local jre: c:\Program Files\Rapid—I\flapidMiner5\scripts\. .\jre\bin\java.exe
Starting RapidMiner from ‘c:\Program Files\Rapid—I\RapidMiner5\scripts\..’ using classes from c:\Program Files\Rapid—I\RapidMiner5\scripts\. .\lib\rapidminer.jar
Creating file “C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Roaming\check_rm...java_version’
Java Version 1.7.0_11
Removing file “C:\Users\Bobert\AppData\Roaming\check_rm...java_version’
Starting in multicore mode with Cl garbage collector...
Error occurred during initialization of UM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap
C:\Progran Files\Rapid—I\RapidMiner5\scripts>
java cannot allocate the memory it needs for some reason. That can either mean you are using most of the memory for other programs, so either there is not enough free memory overall, or there is not enough to allocate a contiguous block of memory. You can try to edit the RapidMinerGUI.bat file, and adjust the MAX_JAVA_MEMORY setting (sets the max memory java allocates in megabytes).
I have tried to raise the default memory limit from 1024 Mb but access is denied when trying to save the altered file.
I have tried renaming the bat file but get same result.
My free memory resource is about 50% which is 1432 Mb.
I cannot now get RapidMiner to run properly even from the bat file. A shell window opens briefly then closes.
you probably have installed RapidMiner into C:\Program Files\xyz. To edit files in that directory, you need administrator privileges, as Windows will prevent you from doing so without them.
Java only takes 364Mb when running.
Problem remains unresolved.