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Write Document after Replacing Tokens

pofigsterpofigster Member Posts: 3 Contributor I
edited September 2020 in Help
I have a document which is a CSV file, but is very poorly formatted.  I'm going to get more files with the same bad formatting, so I'm trying to design a process that will first pre-process the file to correct the issues.

First, I'm using 'Read Document' which just calls the CSV file.  Next, 'Replace Tokens' - there are four regex replace statements here.  If I issue a breakpoint here, I can see in the document results view that the top half is fixed and the bottom half is the original file.  What I want to know how to do is 'Write Document' so the fixed version (with the replaced tokens) is what is written.  I will then 'Read CSV' on the written document so it comes in properly formatted.


  • raj_kuraj_ku Member Posts: 2 Contributor I
    Did you find a solution? I am trying to something similar.
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