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Integration of RapidMiner with Python
I need to call a RapidMiner process from Python. I tried to convert the RapidMiner process as a webservice using RapidAnalytics as explained in this link: http://rapid-i.com/rapidforum/index.php/topic,6301.0.html but was not successful.
Can someone suggest some way to integrate RapidMiner with Python? Some way of calling a RM process from my python script..?
I need to call a RapidMiner process from Python. I tried to convert the RapidMiner process as a webservice using RapidAnalytics as explained in this link: http://rapid-i.com/rapidforum/index.php/topic,6301.0.html but was not successful.
Can someone suggest some way to integrate RapidMiner with Python? Some way of calling a RM process from my python script..?
you can call the RapidMiner commandline script and pass it the location of a process file as a parameter.