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Frequent occurrence of the Mac spinning color pinwheel of death
Member Posts: 3 Contributor I
I am using RM Studio 6 with unrestricted memory on a late model MacBook Pro Retina with 16Gb, quad core i7 with variable Hz from 2.6 to 3.2gHz depending on load and a 1Tb solid state drive, running Mavericks. I use .csv data consisting of up to 100 rows by up to 120 attributes, though I would like to be able to process much larger sets of up to 500,000 rows. Using the 100 row set with 29 attributes I was trying to set up the process by filling in the missing data. No sooner had I selected the proper operator to do this in the operator window than RM developed the spinning color wheel of death (scwd).
The computer itself was not frozen and other software could be run. I could not copy the XML code to put here because once the scwd appears, the only recourse I know of is to forcibly quit the process and that action closes RM without saving the XML for me to copy. The SCWD can also appear during clustering or decision tree analysis.
I have three questions: is there a way of saving the XML file once the scwd has appeared so that I can share it here, is the scwd always fatal or is there a way of recovering control of RM, and are there some aspects of RM that I could check to lower the likelihood of developing the scwd?
Thank you for your consideration.
I am using RM Studio 6 with unrestricted memory on a late model MacBook Pro Retina with 16Gb, quad core i7 with variable Hz from 2.6 to 3.2gHz depending on load and a 1Tb solid state drive, running Mavericks. I use .csv data consisting of up to 100 rows by up to 120 attributes, though I would like to be able to process much larger sets of up to 500,000 rows. Using the 100 row set with 29 attributes I was trying to set up the process by filling in the missing data. No sooner had I selected the proper operator to do this in the operator window than RM developed the spinning color wheel of death (scwd).
The computer itself was not frozen and other software could be run. I could not copy the XML code to put here because once the scwd appears, the only recourse I know of is to forcibly quit the process and that action closes RM without saving the XML for me to copy. The SCWD can also appear during clustering or decision tree analysis.
I have three questions: is there a way of saving the XML file once the scwd has appeared so that I can share it here, is the scwd always fatal or is there a way of recovering control of RM, and are there some aspects of RM that I could check to lower the likelihood of developing the scwd?
Thank you for your consideration.
In this case you could start RM Studio again and copy the XML into this forum.
Otherwise it is really hard to find out what you have done (e.g. "filling the missing data").
Thank you for your suggestion. This time I opened RM and was hovering my cursor over an operator when the spinning beach ball appears - this occurred within 30 seconds of the opening. Please let me know if there are other data that would help you troubleshoot this issue.
Much appreciated,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<process version="6.0.003">
<operator activated="true" class="process" compatibility="6.0.003" expanded="true" name="Process">
<process expanded="true">
<portSpacing port="source_input 1" spacing="0"/>
<portSpacing port="sink_result 1" spacing="0"/>
Thank you
a couple of questions because we are having a really hard time nailing this issue down:
- Are you hoving over an operator (i.e. showing a tooltip), or just over the background of the "Operators" view? Have you clicked on an operator so that the "Help" view in the lower right corner shows information about a different operator than 'Process'?
- What are your exact system specs and OS versions? Which Java version are you using?