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RapidMiner Server Reporting
I want to create some kind of dashboard report using Rapidminer Server, but I want to know if the reporting option for the RapidMiner Server is only for the enterprise version or it is available on the community version too.
I want to create some kind of dashboard report using Rapidminer Server, but I want to know if the reporting option for the RapidMiner Server is only for the enterprise version or it is available on the community version too.
RapidMiner Server 2.x contains everything so you can create dashboard reports with it regardless of the license you use. The various licenses available just do the same as for Studio i.e. increase available memory and operators, so no dashboarding limitations.
For Rapid Analytics 1.x (the former name of RapidMiner Server) the Community edition does not contain dashboarding, only the Enterprise version does.