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AMI RapidMiner

veveveve Member Posts: 63 Contributor II
edited November 2018 in Help

There is an old topic in which somebody says it has created an AMI Amazon for RapidMiner.
However, I cannot find it by id/name.Is this image still available?

Is there any other RapidMiner/RapidAnalytics image for Amazon (AMI).

Thank you!



  • homburghomburg Employee, Member Posts: 114 RM Data Scientist
    Hi Alina,

    unfortunately I don't know anything about this old AMI, but I can tell you that we are currently working on the creation of RapidMiner AMIs. Right now I cannot tell you when they will be available, but it should happen in the not too distant future.

    Cheers, Helge
  • veveveve Member Posts: 63 Contributor II
    Thank you for the information!

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