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"FP-Growth Crashing RM 5"

pjdoubleyoupjdoubleyou Member Posts: 6 Contributor II
edited June 2019 in Help
I'm attempting various text association tutorials with RapidMiner 5 and every one I try fails at the FP-Growth operator. I thought it might be that I'm on a Mac, so I tested on PC, then I thought it was because the files were stored locally, so I moved them to a MySQL server, then I thought there were too many files, so I cut it down to 10 HMTL files.

Is there something else I'm missing? Each tutorial I look at seems to take seconds, whenever I try, my MacBook (connecting to MySQL) freezes up after 5 minutes and then pushes up a message about the operation requiring more memory.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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