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Cannot read Dropbox sub-directory files
Best Answer
Marco_Boeck Administrator, Moderator, Employee, Member, University Professor Posts: 1,996 RM Engineering
thanks for answering! I have created an internal bug ticket for the problem.
hi Pavel,
I just tried to recreate the issue on my environment. It seems to be working fine.
What version of Rapidminer are you on ?>
thank you for your reply. I am on 7.1.001 version.
Warm regards
can you name the exact folder names (starting at the root folder) and a file name for a file that you cannot select?
Hello Marco,
it is trickier than I thought.
This works fine:
This does not work:
So it is not necessarily a matter of directory hierarchy. However, it seems the only problem is the file selection in the Open File Dialog. Otherwise (once the path is set properly by hand) the operator reads the file well.
Thank you and have a nice day.