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"Rapidminer- Studio from GitHub"
I've been trying to build rapidminer-studio from source with gradle.
After "sh gradlew build" I've got the following error
"Execution failed for task 'jar'"
"Cannot create signed jar from rapidminer-studio. Missing keystore property"
Looks like in some place or an option for a keystore property is missing.
Could someone give me some clue what can be happening?
I am experiencing the exact same problem.
In general, I'm trying to debug my custom build operators.
Is there any way to do this?
kind regards,
I'm getting the exact same error. I try adding in my own keystore information for the signing, but when I try to use the jar in a distrubution, it gives me security access violations everywhere.
I guess there is no way to build it from source ?
it's still very much possible to run the open source core. But you need to change the version from 7.2.0 to 7.2.0-SNAPSHOT or something else, as long as it's a SNAPSHOT version.
We will update our documentation for this soon.
Hi @Marco_Boeck,
I'm just wondering if there is any update as to when the documentation will be updated regarding this issue?
the next feature release (7.3) will contain the documentation and changes. However if you wish to not wait until then, you can do the changes yourself:
Modify the build.gradle file and remove the following two lines from it:
Then you can use the readme to actually use it. The readme is written in markdown, so it will appear correctly on Github. Just a tad difficult to read in the forums I'm afraid but if you don't mind it, here is a sneak peak at it:
Thanks @Marco_Boeck, was able to get it built successfully!