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Plugin initialization problem (Rapidminer 7.2 and ProM)
I have the following problem:
When i start the Rapidminer 7.2 i try to add from marketplace the ProM plugin.
After restarting the application the plugin won't start and program tell to ingore or to unistall it.
Please advice what to do to solve the problem.
Thanks in advance,
Thanks for letting us know. This problem is actually related to a new security mechanism for extensions we introduced with RapidMiner 7.2. We are currently working with the ProM team to get this resolved and will provide an updated extension asap.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
To keep this thread up-to-date:
There is a new version of ProM available (4.0.0) which is now compatible with RapidMiner 7.2+.
You can download this extension from the Marketplace.
i started working on rapidminer prom but i can not convert my cvs file to event logs or perti net. please my data is events in cvs form how can i convert it without any w
hello @mr_hamza57 - welcome to the community. Could you please share your XML process (see sidebar instructions) so we can see what you are doing? Thank you.