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Track progress of running process by use of Observer pattern

DekwoKybonDekwoKybon Member Posts: 9 Contributor II
edited November 2018 in Help

Hi all,


I know this question has been asked before but this was a long time ago (2008) and the solution back then was to make use of some sort of logging mechanism which I don't completely understand.


I'm rather looking for a listener mechanism to track operator progress. I like to display a progress bar in my web application that approximately indicate total running time. I tried to add an observer to an Operator using the following


public void addObserver(Observer<A> observer, boolean onEDT)

method.  Unfortunately, I don't get back any updates.


Any other ideas?





Best Answer

  • mmichelmmichel Employee, Member Posts: 129 RM Engineering
    Solution Accepted

    Hi Wouter,


    you may want to have a look at the ProcessListener interface (ProcessRootOperator#addProcessListener) and the observable OperatorProgress (Operator#getProgress).




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