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small bug RM7.5 - adding note to Execute Program
Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Community Manager, Member, University Professor, PM Moderator Posts: 2,959 Community Manager
Hi...I think there's a small bug in RM7.5 with the Execute Program operator. It will not allow me to attach a note to it. It's the only operator where I am seeing this problem. If I click the yellow sticky note icon while highlighting this particular operator, it creates a standalone yellow sticky instead of a note attached to the operator.
I just tested this with the 7.5.1 release (because I was just testing that anyway ), and it works fine. We also did not touch anything in that area which should affect this, so this is a bit weird to hear.. Will keep an eye out. Nevertheless, if you have trouble with that, you can also right-click the operator and select "Add note", or just drag&drop an existing note on the operator
thanks, Marco. Those workarounds are good. Perhaps it's a Mac/PC GUI issue? I'm on a Mac Pro running OS X 10.12.4.
FWIW, I still occasionally get weird GUI things from time to time that have been there for several versions. The most annoying one is when I am moving tabs around in the design or results view and it freezes when the icon is a blue square with a plus sign in the middle. I cannot routinely cause the bug so of course it's hard to track
Movie below to show what happens
We are aware
Unfortunately, Java and OS X decided to have a disagreement at some point about how modal dialogs are handled, so we're stuck with it for the time being..