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Operator not visible after installing extension

surabhisurabhi Member Posts: 7 Contributor II
edited December 2018 in Help


I want to make my own operator in rapidminer. I am using extension template provided on git. I am editing it as per instructions. But after installing it I am not able to see it in operator tree although its there in manage extensions. 

Please help me.

Best Answer

  • surabhisurabhi Member Posts: 7 Contributor II
    Solution Accepted



    I got solution.

    The problem was with tutorial documentation. In documentation, it is specified that package for operator should be named *com.rapidminer.extension.operator*. 

    But the case is this should be named as com.rapidminer.extension.YourOperatorName.

    And this *YourOperatorName* should be specified in OperatorsNAME.xml.

    I am sharing screenshots from manual/documentaion. 





  • pschlunderpschlunder Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, RMResearcher, Member Posts: 96 RM Research


    please check your src/main/resources folder. There you need a xml file named "OperatorsNameOfYourExtension.xml". In it you define a key which is linked to the operator class that should be used and an icon. A possible file could look like this:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <operators name="nameofyourextension" version="6.0" docbundle="com/rapidminer/extension/resources/i18n/OperatorsDocNameOfYourExtension">
    <group key="">
    <!-- This is an example how to specify Operators and Operator groups. The Operator groups define
    where Operators will be located in the Operator tree. -->

    <group key="sample_key">


    One option is, that you linked the class incorrectly. For the given example the class file MyClassName.class is located in a package named 'com.rapidminer.extension.nameofyourextension' in the src/main/java folder.


    Best regards,


  • surabhisurabhi Member Posts: 7 Contributor II



    I did as you said. But it is still not working. I am posting snapshots for your reference. 






  • pschlunderpschlunder Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, RMResearcher, Member Posts: 96 RM Research

    Looks fine so far. 


    Please check again, if you followed along all steps provided in the documentation, esp. steps 2 and 3. If it still fails, could you provide your build.gradle as well as your operator class, please?


    Best regards,


  • surabhisurabhi Member Posts: 7 Contributor II



    I am attaching archived project *demo*. Please reply soon.



    Surabhi 113.2K
  • pschlunderpschlunder Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, RMResearcher, Member Posts: 96 RM Research

    Please follow along the tutorial in the documentation I linked a post ago. You'll find step-by-step instructions, that will help you in creating your first operator covering the things I hinted before and in this post.


    E.g., you need to uncomment the tags in the xml files (e.g. in OperatorsDemo.xml and OperatorsDocDemo.xml) and provide a java class file with your operator code. I couldn't find one in the files you provided. The class file is supposed to be in src/main/java in a package called com.rapidminer.extension.youroperatorname as e.g.


    Best regards,


  • surabhisurabhi Member Posts: 7 Contributor II


    The class file is in src/main/java in a package called com.rapidminer.extension.operator as e.g. Please check.


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