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How can I change type of weight in feature selection algorithms?
Member Posts: 9 Contributor I
Hi. I'm new in rapidminer and I try feature selection algorithm such as backward eliminatiom and svm-RFE. The problem is that in the result the weight of feature is only 0,1 and it's not useful for me. How can I chang it to real?
Hi @maryam_raz21
To get real weights, you should use one of the 'Weight by ...' operators; the feature selection operators you mentioned are acutually only selecting relevant features (hence assigning them weight = 1) and drop irrelevant (hence assigning them weight = 0).
Thanks for reply:smileyhappy: . I have another question . This feature selection such as SVM-RFE always selecting relevant or just in rapidminer They behave like this؟ in the papers that I studeid, they used svm-RFE for bioinformatics widely!
have you checked the feature selection extension for this?
Dortmund, Germany
yes. I installed feature selection extension 1.1.4 that included svm-rfe, ensemble feature selection and etc. in result all of feature's weight that were selected are 1.:smileyindifferent: