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Legacy Result Access Read Model in Java application
Member Posts: 3 Learner III
I am trying to run a RadpiMiner process in Java that uses Read Model from Legacy Result Access. I know that I should probably use Retrieve instead, but Retrieve forces me to use relative paths. I don't want to specify a repository, I want to be able to specify absolute paths to Read Model. It works in GUI, but if I try to run in it my Java app, I'm getting error:
<em class="error">The operator class 'legacy:read_model' is unknown. Possibly you must install a plugin for operators of group 'legacy'.</em>
I tried including manually a jar with Read Model but that gives me:
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.security.GeneralSecurityException: JAR '/Users/username/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.rapidminer.studio/rapidminer-studio-core/8.1.0-SNAPSHOT/c55b7d0588fd0d4918bca61cb218dbea516e5d34/rapidminer-studio-core-8.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar' is unsigned!
Is there any way I can import Legacy Access extension to my Java app?