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I have Automobile Dataset i want to predict how?
Member Posts: 1 Learner I
My data is attached in excel file. I want to predict this file. what prediction method I used.
hello @atifraza127 - welcome to the community. Have you gone through the tutorials on how to do predictive analyics? You'll find lots of information here: https://community.rapidminer.com/t5/Getting-Started-Forum/bd-p/GettingStartForum
HI @atifraza127,
Once you have read the resources to get started and see the tutorials :
The fist step, is to build classifier model(s), which make the relationship(s) between your label attribute (in your case Chance of Stolen, I suppose) and the other attributes, from your training dataset (your file). Then you have to choose the model which has the best performances (accuracy, recall, precision etc.).
To perform these tasks, you can find here a process to compare the performances of 5 models.
NB : Don't hesitate to test the different classifier models proposed by RapidMiner :
Once you have determined the best model, you can apply it to a score dataset to predict the label attribute.
I hope it will be helpful,