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Installing Rapidminer in ubuntu

alicjaalicja Member Posts: 2 Learner III
edited December 2018 in Help


I am having a problem with installing/configuring RapidMiner in ubuntu 17.10, 64-bit. This is what I get when I try to run it:


alicja@alicja-700Z3C-700Z5C:~/rapidminer-studio-8.1.0/rapidminer-studio$ ./RapidMiner-Studio.sh
RAPIDMINER_HOME is not set. Trying the directory '/home/alicja/rapidminer-studio-8.1.0/rapidminer-studio'...
Could not find the java executable in default path or ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java.
Edit ./RapidMiner-Studio.sh and/or your local startup files.

Could you please help?



  • alicjaalicja Member Posts: 2 Learner III

    I just had to instal jdk and set the parameter




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