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Importing Example from RapidMiner book - XML
I try to reproduce the process of Chapter 11 from http://rapidminerbook.com/index.php/chapter-downloads/chapter-11/; I have saved Dataset & Processes as .xml in My Documents. From File in RapidMiner Studio, I try to import the XML process but RapidMiner can't find them. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance for your support.
Hi @Maerkli,
1. You have to open your XML files in a notebook and then copy the whole code.(Ctrl + A then Ctrl + C)
2. In RapidMiner, you have to activate your XML panel :
3. Delete the existing code and paste your XML code in the XML panel.
4. Click on the "check" button.
5. That's it... the process appears in the main window.
I hope it helps,
Hi again @Maerkli,
I wanted to say :
"1. You have to open your XML files in a notepad (for example "Wordpad", "Bloc note") and then copy the whole code."
Thanks, Lionel. I had already tried this way. Question: how, from this point, do I get the process deployed in Process screen? I have the xml code in the XML screen.
@Maerkli you should click the green check mark. If there are no errors in the XML, the operators should populate in the Process view.
Hallo Thomas,
That is the point. The green mark is checked. The operators do not populate the Process view. The code used is exactely taken
from http://rapidminerbook.com/index.php/chapter-downloads/chapter-11/ , edited by Dr. Markus Hofmann & Ralf Klinkenberg.
hello @Maerkli welcome to the community! Some quick recommendations for you:
• Post your XML process here in this thread (see https://youtu.be/KkgB5QXWXJ8 and "Read Before Posting" on right when you reply)
• Attach your dataset if possible (use a fictionalized version if there are privacy concerns)
• Make sure you have all necessary extensions installed (see https://youtu.be/pjBqG3xtXx4)
Hallo Scott,
Before posting, I have read the recommendations several times. I have attached the xml files in question as well.
Thanks for the support.
@Maerkli I just loaded the cluster one fine. See attached RMP file. Haven't checked the other one.
I have tried with your enclosed file and it works. I note that you have a .rmp file. That' s perhaps the explication. From
http://rapidminerbook.com/index.php/chapter-downloads/chapter-11/, how can I get a .rmp and not an .xml?
@Maerkli I just downloaded the zip file, extracted it, opened the cluster XML file using a text editor, copy and pasted it into the XML view, and clicked the green check mark. Everything populated.
If it's not working for you, check that you copy and pasted the entire XML.
I do exactely that but the xml file does not populate the process window. If I copy/paste your rpm file, it works. Really mysterious!
PS. Shall I look the Champion's League match Real against Juventus or spend my night trying to solve this issue?
That's mysterious indeed, but many things :
1. You can try to quit and re-open RapidMiner
2. Update RapidMiner to the last version
3. Can you repeat the procedure (copy/paste in the XML panel after deleting the existing code, then click on the check button) with these XML code ( your 2 XML files) :
if it doesn't work, you can find in attached file the second process in .rmp file.( to continue your job)
I hope the mystery will dissipate.
NB : if you do not support Real Madrid, you will definitely have a bad night:smileyhappy:
Hi Lionel,
I will try your recommendations.
I am not especially a supporter of Real but I have great respect for them.
The "Fallrückzieher" of Ronaldo was total grandeur. Sorry for the strange German word... In English, it should be called "bicycle kick", I think.