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Is the neural network model a correct solution here
Hi All,
I have a question from one case study and I would like to know if my solution is a correct one or not. So, the question is:
The management asked you to develop a text mining model using only the text attribute “content”, as well as Gradient Boosted Trees to classify all reviews.
Task 1:
Draw three RapidMiner processes. First, the main process featuring the predictive model. Second, the process of ensuring the model cross-validation using the Bootstrapping method. And third, the process responsible for parsing the text field.
Task 2:
Extend your process to include an ensemble model.
What I plan to do:
Task 1:
First process model: Making a Neural network predictive model,
Second process model: Cross-validating the process model with bootstrapping,
Third process model: Parsing the text model,
Task 1:
Extending the process using bagging ensemble method.
My question is whether the first model where I am creating the predictive model with the Neural network is a correct solution considering that I will be using Bagging ensemble method?
Thank you