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Question : licenses (RapidMiner Studio 8.2 Education)
Member Posts: 5 Learner III
Hi all,
I have an educational license which expires 18.07.2019 but the manage licenses pop-up shows valid until 16.08.2018.
I was wondering when it will be expired in this case and is there any why that I can change 16.08.2018 to 18.07.2019?
Thank you for your help in advance.
Hello @flytothesky619,
Your active license is a trial license, not an educational one. If you created a RapidMiner Studio account about a month ago, you have 30 days to test RapidMiner with a large license before getting the free one. Don't worry, just login into your account at https://my.rapidminer.com/nexus/account/index.html#login, and review the status of the licenses you have there.
Most of the time, the license switching is automatic unless you use RapidMiner without Internet. In that case, open RapidMiner Studio, go to Settings > Manage Licenses and enter your license there.
Quoting @sgenzer and @leti in case I missed something, as I don't have experience with the Educational Program of RapidMiner.
Hope it helps!
You can go to your my.rapidminer.com account to see your license and then enter it into your studio account the way that @rfuentealba mentioned.
yes exactly. Just to add some other key facts:
- Educational licenses are always 1 year renewable as long as you are still a student/professor
- If you have more than one license (quite normal actually), RapidMiner will always try to give you the "most powerful one". Hence a 30-day trial license will prevail over an educational license as it's not restricted by logical processors, and both will prevail over the normal "free" license which is limited by rows AND logical processors.
more info can be found on the general pricing page and on the educational license page.
Hi Rodrigo Fuentealba Cartes,
Thank you for your kind explanation
I have an educaional license and I have also updated it but I am not sure why rapidminer still shows the trial version..
Hi Leti,
Thank you for your explanation : )
I updated the Educational license but it still shows trial version..
Kind Regards,
Hi Scott Genzer,
Thank you for the detailed explanation : )
Yeah, I have 3 licenses as you explained.
I updated the Educational license but RapidMiner still showed the trial version, so removed it, downloaded and installed it again but still same..
Trial version with educational license..
I was wondering how I could install educational verision.
Thank you,
Hi Skye,
The trail license will stay there until it expires and then you can use the educational. As @sgenzer said the trial is more powerful then the educational. You won't loose any work when switching licesnes so everything that is saved in RM will stay there.
Hi RapidMiner Support Team/Colleagues
I am running a University course Business Intelligence where we use RapidMiner Studio and students have experienced the same problem, they have registered with RapidMiner downloaded and installed RapidMiner Studio 8.2 which is by default a free version, they have requested an educational license so that they can use RapidMiner Studio in their academic studies and input the educational license. However RapidMiner Studio is currently showing as a trial version which expires after a month. Based on the previous post here can I confirm that this will simply roll over to the educational license at the end of one month trial. Is there any way for students to simply move to the educational license being fully activated. Many thanks in advance for any advice or clarification of the above issue as this is creating some confusion for students using RapidMiner Studio in their studies. I would also like note our appreciation of the tremendous support provided by RapidMiner to Academics and students and it is much appreciated kind regards Michael Dr Michael Lane University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
hello Dr. Lane,
I totally understand your question. So there's no simple way to "force" the licensing to be only educational as the trial license's features are a superset of the educational ones. May I ask why you would want to force this? As you said, the trial licenses will simply expire and all of your students' licenses will roll over to educational ones automatically. It's pretty seamless.
If you really want to force the license thing, let me know and I can share how this can be done.
I have a same problem. I want to activate the education license forcely. My tutor said that the data in the assignment would be more than 10,000 rows. The tutorial license has a limitation that the rows should be under 10,000 rows. Is there any method to activate the education license forcely?
Hi Leti,
It's very clear for me now, thank you a lot for your kind explanation : )
Hi Scott
As long as the trial license will flip over to the educational license at the end of one month trial that will be fine
And this is what I have told students
Many thanks for the quick reply as always much appreciated - excellent support provided by RapidMiner for its academic and student user base
Regards Michael
we're super happy to help, Michael, and very happy when the professor actually knows the community exists! In fact we can even create a private or public group for you and your students here on the community if that is helpful. Very easy to do. Just let me know.
I think that pasting the license (large text string) should work. The dialog can be found in Settings -> Manage licenses -> Enter license.