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Import Data from oracle sql developer into Rapidminer and some Values are nor missing marked with ?

ThereseTherese Member Posts: 1 Learner I
edited December 2018 in Help

Hello all,


I have a problem with my imported data from the database oracle sql developer:

Some data is now missing and is marked with a "?" How can I get the original data instead of the question mark?




  • Knut-RMKnut-RM Administrator, Employee, Member, University Professor Posts: 113 Administrator

    Hi tschulzeharl,

    we would need a bit more infomration in order to help you with that. Did you make sure to take care about formats when doing the import? If you are not sure on the format it is best to import content as text. You can then always change it something else if it is a number for example.

    Cheers, K.

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