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Forecast the price of a share in the stock exchange

student_computestudent_compute Member Posts: 73 Contributor II
edited January 2019 in Help
I want to predict the growth or decrease of the price of a share of a particular symbol in the stock exchange
For this purpose, I collected data for a symbol for a month
But I do not know how to predict the price of a week in algorithms such as svm?
Can someone help


  • hughesfleming68hughesfleming68 Member Posts: 323 Unicorn
    Take a look at the Neural Market Trends tutorials on time series modeling.  https://www.neuralmarkettrends.com/tutorials/

    Thomas Ott covers a lot of material on this. They may be for an earlier version of Rapidminer but the concepts are the same. For newer versions of Rapidminer, you can look at the ARIMA tutorials.

    Forecasting stock prices is very tricky. You would need to keep your expectations in check.

  • MartinLiebigMartinLiebig Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, University Professor Posts: 3,527 RM Data Scientist
    check out this article: https://towardsdatascience.com/time-series-forecasting-for-optimal-gas-refill-88650b1cf029

    It's basically the same thing.

    - Sr. Director Data Solutions, Altair RapidMiner -
    Dortmund, Germany
  • student_computestudent_compute Member Posts: 73 Contributor II
    Thank you both dear friends
    I have a history of a specific symbol from the stock market for 6 months in an excel file
    Columns with names
    Open Closed . High . Low and so on.
    But I do not know which should be labeled?
    And how can I anticipate the price of that symbol for a month?
    Thanks for giving me some experience
    Yours sincerely

  • hughesfleming68hughesfleming68 Member Posts: 323 Unicorn
    You have some choices to make. The close is the obvious label but you could also look at the percentage change day to day. It is worth transforming the change in close values to a binary classification as it will allow you to use learners that might not be suitable for pure regression tasks. You will also have to consider how to make your time series stationary. That is a topic all by itself. It is worth reading up on machine learning regression, ARIMA, linear regression etc.

    You would have better success trying to predict if the price will be higher or lower rather than an actual value. Stock prices are highly unstable.
  • student_computestudent_compute Member Posts: 73 Contributor II
    Thank you very much
    Sorry i take your time And again I ask a question
    (Should the data be preprocessed?)
    I did not notice these sentences
    "You also have to consider how to make your time series stationary."
    "You could also look at the percentage change day to day."
    And that
    I considered the tag as "close" and then applied svm, but it has an error .. !!!!!! look

    How can I report how stock icons will be for a week? Grows or decreases?
    May I send a sample process to me?
    I hope you understand my question.
    And you can help me
  • hughesfleming68hughesfleming68 Member Posts: 323 Unicorn
    You are getting that error because the role is not set. Look for the set role operator and set the close values as the label. Did you look at the tutorial links? I think you should work through them. If your data is weekly data then forecasting the next week is just a matter of predicting the next value. If your data is daily data then you are actually looking at predicting five steps ahead. That is a different problem.
  • student_computestudent_compute Member Posts: 73 Contributor II
    edited November 2018
    Hi, I want to change the tag. But in the  "set role"  operator, none of the fields will be displayed until I select. Actually empty.
    And I wrote it myself in the "close" field manual. And was given an error in the run.
    I used the tutorials I mentioned. I have these two problems


    please help me..
  • hughesfleming68hughesfleming68 Member Posts: 323 Unicorn
    edited November 2018
    Did you confirm that you are actually getting data from Yahoo? The last time I tried this it was broken. I suggest that you download the data to a csv file and read from the csv rather than use the Finance and Economics extension.There are couple of different workarounds for this. My preferred way is to use the Execute R operator and use the quantmod package. That is well supported and easy to use. It will also give you some flexibility with regards to how you adjust the data for splits and dividends.

    My guess is that you are running into trouble because you are not actually bringing in any data. In the future, post the xml of your process here. It would have been easier to help you. There is also a tutorial on how to bring in data from Alpha Vantage. I hope that made the transition to the new forum.


  • student_computestudent_compute Member Posts: 73 Contributor II
    I collected data from a stock market symbol for six months
    I sent an example of my data
    How should I use the site's training to predict the price of the symbol over the next week?
    Can anyone help me?
    I sent my sample data as well as site training in this field

  • hughesfleming68hughesfleming68 Member Posts: 323 Unicorn
    For starters your data is not in an ideal format. All you need is Date,Open, High, Low and Close starting from the oldest date to the newest. Learn how to predict one day ahead. Understand windowing and sliding window validation. I looked at your process. Rather than try and covert daily data to weekly data, start with just daily data and nothing else. Add additional attributes later to see what effects they have on your prediction accuracy. You should take a look at the tutorial links above and work from there. Know the difference between univariate predictions and multivariate.
  • student_computestudent_compute Member Posts: 73 Contributor II
    edited November 2018
    Dear Professor
    I'm really confused. And I'm totally new in this regard.
    Do you have that? Send me an example of my prediction?
    I know there is a lot of demand. But now I have been involved with this topic for three weeks and I have no results ...
    :(  :'(
  • hughesfleming68hughesfleming68 Member Posts: 323 Unicorn
    When you are finished, do the next one. Don't just look at the video, sit down and reproduce it. I have read many of your 43 posts and it is not clear to me that you understand the basics. Go step by step and see what each operator does. You can ask me questions via private mail and I will help you. There is no need to make this thread any longer.

  • student_computestudent_compute Member Posts: 73 Contributor II
    Thank you so much
    I do and I ask in private
    Thank you

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