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How to Become a Unicorn
Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Community Manager, Member, University Professor, PM Moderator Posts: 2,959 Community Manager
Who are those "Unicorns" on the RapidMiner Community?
If you've been wondering about this question, let me explain how the rankings work here and how you too can achieve this level of distinction!
For starters, in Data Science, a "Unicorn" is someone who's highly talented and can use DS tools with competence to solve some of the world's hardest problems. They are very few and far between - hence the term "Unicorn" to describe a rare animal to find.
In the RapidMiner Community, a "Unicorn" is someone who has proved their proficiency by providing meaningful answers and solutions to people's questions or by becoming certified in RapidMiner Studio.
The gamification system works on only three metrics:
If you've been wondering about this question, let me explain how the rankings work here and how you too can achieve this level of distinction!
For starters, in Data Science, a "Unicorn" is someone who's highly talented and can use DS tools with competence to solve some of the world's hardest problems. They are very few and far between - hence the term "Unicorn" to describe a rare animal to find.
In the RapidMiner Community, a "Unicorn" is someone who has proved their proficiency by providing meaningful answers and solutions to people's questions or by becoming certified in RapidMiner Studio.
The gamification system works on only three metrics:
- # of days that you have been a member
- # of new discussions/comments (posts) you have made
- # of "points" you have earned
- Receiving a "Like" or "Up Vote" from a discussion/comment you made = 1 point
- Receiving a "Promote" from a moderator = 10 points
- Receiving a "Badge" = 1 to 100 points depending on the badge
- Answering a Question = 5 points
- Having an answer be marked as a Solution = 45 points
- Passing any RapidMiner Academy certification examination = 30 points
- Receiving an "Awesome" reaction = 2 points
- Receiving an "Vote Up" reaction = 3 points
- Receiving a "Dislike" reaction = -1 point
- Receiving an "Off Topic" reaction = -1 point
- Receiving a "Spam" reaction = -10 points
- Receiving a "Abuse" reaction = -20 points
- "Newbie" - assigned as soon as you sign in
- "Learner I" - member for 2 days; earned 5 points
- "Learner II" - member for 4 days; earned 10 points
- "Learner III" - member for 6 days; earned 15 points
- "Contributor I" - member for 2 days; earned 10 points; made 1 post
- "Contributor II" - member for 6 days; earned 20 points; made 5 posts
- "Maven" - member for 7 days; earned 60 points; made 15 posts
- "Guru" - member for 30 days; earned 150 points; made 30 posts
- "Unicorn" - member for 60 days; earned 500 points; made 60 posts
Dortmund, Germany
i see what you are doing...
Dortmund, Germany
And congrats to @MarcoBarradas for getting on the all-time board!!!
Knowledge is something that should be shared every time that life gives you an opportunity and this community has shown that all the people are willing to share their knowledge.
Thanks for acknowledging this achievement!
Lindon Ventures
Data Science Consulting from Certified RapidMiner Experts
Thanks for a swift response. I guess you missed "Data Engineering Professional Certification"
Certificate link : https://ti-user-certificates.s3.amazonaws.com/5733896a-1d71-46e5-b0a3-1ffcf845fe21/948269eb-4e69-4982-8b81-5550e9b99bae-manish-taneja-data-engineering-professional-certification-certificate.pdf.
Thanks In Advance.
Helping @sgenzer , is good too He is helping us so we help him.
Also each question is like a mystery so answering them is like understanding that mystery.