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How to get a ROC curve and AUC from unsupervised algotithm?
My dataset and the process in the file.zip as following.
In the anomaly detection extension, I use k-NN Global Anomaly Score operator to get the anomaly score of every instance in the dataset. The Generate ROC operator in the extension can only get the true_positive_rate and false positive rate, however, I can't get the ROC curve and AUC. Can I use some operator to directly get the ROC curve and AUC on the basis of my present process in RapidMiner?
In the anomaly detection extension, I use k-NN Global Anomaly Score operator to get the anomaly score of every instance in the dataset. The Generate ROC operator in the extension can only get the true_positive_rate and false positive rate, however, I can't get the ROC curve and AUC. Can I use some operator to directly get the ROC curve and AUC on the basis of my present process in RapidMiner?
if your data has labels you can just use the normal AUC from Performance (Binominals).
Dortmund, Germany