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How to aggregate results

AyoubeAyoube Member Posts: 5 Learner I
edited July 2020 in Help
I'm processing textual data from several files and sub directories. I need to know how frequent some words/phrases occur and the occurrences density. I got the results as multiple files (IOObjectCollection (Loop Files)), and don't know how to aggregate them for further processing.
My process is:
Loop files
>> Loop Zip-file entries
---->> Read Document > Process Documents (I got example set as output but no word list!!)
----------------------------------------------------------->>Tokenize > Filter Tokens

I tried to link this with Set Role operator for example, but the attribute I'm looking for (the word I'm searching for) doesn't exist in some files and I believe this is why I get Attribute Not found. or maybe i'm missing something here. So, any clue how to aggregate such results?

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