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What am i doing wrong with my model?
I have to classify twitter data using neural net. Everytime i run my process, the message in the screenshot pops up. Sometimes the process keeps running forever without producing an output. i even tried reducing my sample size to -200,100, even 50! but it still doesnt work. Can someone kindly tell me how to fix my problem?
Looks like your memory is not sufficient for the process. Can you check RAM usagw
Be Safe. Follow precautions and Maintain Social Distancing
- Open RapidMiner Studio
- Press Cmd + ,
- You will see a window named RapidMiner Studio Preferences.
- There, click on the System pane.
- In the Maximum amount of memory, make sure you have a value that is not too low. Depending on how old is your computer, I would recommend putting something like 2048 or 4096 before trying again. You may want to see the About This Mac system dialog to decide how much memory you want to put there.
- Make sure you leave some memory for the operating system when you manipulate that value. It would be nice if you open the Activity Monitor to see what else is consuming memory.
Hope this helps,Rodrigo.