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Error explanation
Best Answer
Papad Member Posts: 68 Guru@varunm1 @Telcontar120
Thank you all for your answers. Something went wrong with the attribute name, I renamed it and it worked perfect.
I don't know if it is a general problem or it just happened for other reason, but when I had the error, the repository had the same name with one of the attributes.
Do you think that this is the reason that error appeared?
Try to set breakpoint (Right-click on operator) on filter examples or set role operator (breakpoint before) and run the process to see if the attribute is coming into the operator, if not then you might look into the flow before this and see if that attribute is available or getting filtered out somewhere.
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Lindon Ventures
Data Science Consulting from Certified RapidMiner Experts
Be Safe. Follow precautions and Maintain Social Distancing
I think that when I copied the name to use it into filter examples and set role it had more spaces becauses of the " " characters. So I don't think that there was something else that affected it.
Thank you both for your answers.