Due to recent updates, all users are required to create an Altair One account to login to the RapidMiner community. Click the Register button to create your account using the same email that you have previously used to login to the RapidMiner community. This will ensure that any previously created content will be synced to your Altair One account. Once you login, you will be asked to provide a username that identifies you to other Community users. Email us at Community with questions.
Currently, rapidminer doesn't support IMMI (image classification) third party extensions and they are highly unstable and there is no built-in image processing tool as well. I recommend using AWS rekognition or another third-party API.
You can also convert your images into CSV files and use for analysis or use python scripting in rapidminer to access backend python for image-related processing.
Be Safe. Follow precautions and Maintain Social Distancing
You can do it with simple python code. Sorry, I am currently working on a deadline. You can see below kaggle discussion that helps you.
Be Safe. Follow precautions and Maintain Social Distancing