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Is there a Docker Image for RM studio 9.x?

pblack476pblack476 Member Posts: 83 Maven
edited November 2019 in Help
I do not have CUDA 9 on my machine and would like to avoid rolling back or uninstalling my current CUDA 10.1 package and would like to know if there is a way to run RM inside a Docker container where I would have CUDA 9 installed.


Best Answers


  • pblack476pblack476 Member Posts: 83 Maven
    edited November 2019
    @David_A Thanks for the reply! I hope this becomes a reality. So far I've been using just my CPU for RM for this reason and avoiding having to have a separate OS installation tailored to just run RM would indeed make the life of people like me (a student) much simpler.
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