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Best Answer
varunm1 Member Posts: 1,207 UnicornHello @LeMarc
Do you mean you want to make a classification task with Missing (Yes or No) as a label column?
You can use generate attributes operator to create a new attribute that has Missing status. This will provide you with True or False in that new attribute. If the example has a missing value in a particular field, it will display the status as TRUE else FALSE.Regards,
https://www.varunmandalapu.com/Be Safe. Follow precautions and Maintain Social Distancing
Take a look at this link please. With declare missing value operator you can declares the specified values of the selected attributes as missing values.
Also may be you need this one
There is a question which is similar to your question and the link is this:
I hope this helps
You can also right-click on any operator and click show operator info to see what types of data they support.
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