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Expression editor & function expressions

OlusOlus Member Posts: 16 Maven
I would like to know how and where I can access the Expression Editor in Rapidminer. 
In addition, I struggle to put Square function in Generate Attribute. I have created a Total, and I would like to add a Total Square in Generate Attribute. But when I type square (Total) in function expressions, it gives me an erroneous amount. 
Could you help me out? 

Best Answer

  • OlusOlus Member Posts: 16 Maven
    Solution Accepted
    Thanks a lot for your time and help. 


  • jacobcybulskijacobcybulski Member, University Professor Posts: 391 Unicorn
    In Generate Attribute operator, when you create a new attribute you will see a tiny calculator to the right of the function expression field, just click it and bingo!
  • jacobcybulskijacobcybulski Member, University Professor Posts: 391 Unicorn
    Also, if you do not have an attribute "Total" it will not calculate it. You may have done so. If not then If you want to get a total of an attribute, you need to use an "Aggregate" operator to calculate some column statistics, e.g. the sum of the column. Then you can use it in your calculations within your "Generate Attribute" expressions.
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